Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Dakota Indian Tribe

The Dakota Indians are a very well known tribe in America. They are well known for their wars with the European settlers. Two of the states in America are named after them: North Dakota and South Dakota. The Dakota were also known as the Sioux, the Lakota and the Nakota. Some very famous battles that the Dakota have fought in are the Battle of Little Big Horn and the battle at Wounded Knee. All of these characteristics have made the Dakota a very interesting tribe.

Works Cited
Swanton, John. The Indian Tribes of North America. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.

Waldman, Carl. "Sioux." Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes, Third Edition. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. American Indian History Online. Facts On File, Inc. (accessed October 24, 2007).

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