Monday, October 22, 2007

Dakota Hunting

The most popular animal hunted by the Dakota Indians and all other Indians was the buffalo. The buffalo was a very hard animal to hunt because of its size. In order to kill the buffalo, the Indians had to use many interesting techniques. One technique included many Indian hunters surrounding the buffalo and then forcing it into some sort of trap that the Indians had constructed. Another technique included causing the buffalo to stampede and run off of a cliff.

The buffalo was a very important resource for the Indians. The meat from the buffalo could be turned onto jerky and used as food for the Indians. The buffalo horns could be turned into cups, fire holders, and medicines. The skin of the buffalo would be tanned and then used to make moccasins, blankets, and clothing. Without the buffalo, the Dakota Indians would have a very hard time surviving.

Works Cited
Keoke, Emory Dean, and Kay Marie Porterfield. "bison." Encyclopedia of American Indian Contributions to the World: 15,000 Years of Inventions and Innovations. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2001. American Indian History Online. Facts On File, Inc.
ItemID=WE43&iPin=EIC050&SingleRecord=True (accessed October 22, 2007).

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